Paclobutrazol 40% SC


Pacific Gold is a suspension concentrate with 40% Paclobutrazol which is a plant growth regulator, it reduces vegetative growth and enhances foliage growth.

Technical Name: Paclobutrazol 40% SC

Mode of Action: the role of paclobutrazol is to inhibit gibberellin synthesis and promote flowering and fruiting. Thus, the vegetative growth reduces and the assimilates are transferred to reproductive organs and the yield potential increases.

Features and Benefits:

  • Pacific Gold controls foliage growth and increases flowering results to increase yield.
  • More flowers are produced with more branches.
  • Pacific Gold increases the weight of the crop and gives more yield.
  • Pacific gold gives strength to the plants and prevents the plants from falling.
  • Also helps in the development of better fruit color and size.
  • Pacific Gold helps the crop to effectively use the nutrients available from fertilizers for proper growth, development of fruits, branches and flowering.

Packing available: 100 ml, 50 ml


CropTime of applicationDose/acre (ml)Dilution in water (L/acre)Waiting Period (Days)
Pigeon pea/ Red gramat the time of flowering in the crop3020048